Inspired by everyday life, human encounter and romanticism Steve explores situations which sometimes get lost. His work is romantic capturing individual moments of our lives which he explores by creating a painted collage allowing his viewers to get lost within.

The work is personal, drawing from his own experiences, expressing thoughts, opinions and at the same time questioning everything he expresses so in the end we are left wondering is his work really personal, does he really think like this or is he just putting these ideas forward to raise issues and question the viewers mind. By creating work from everyday life Steve allows his work to be accessible to anyone, anyone can relate to his work, anyone can have an opinion, good or bad.

His paintings are made up from layers of acrylic paint, with ink scratched in the form of text and sketching, there is also a use of permanment markers which brings a more controlled feeling to his work. As well as this Steve uses pencil spending more time expressing a sense of time and a greater exploration of his subject matter.

Steve is excited by the initial feeling or idea humans get, that instant idea, that instant influence, that instant inspiration that inspires anyone to write, draw or create. This initial energy is usually put on paper or lost within sketch books, Steve tries to capture this initial energy within his paintings, expressing that feeling of romantic angst along with a sense of success within self development.

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