Category Archives: Sustainable Businesses

Are you a sustainable business, or looking to be more eco-friendly? We’ve met and are inspired by many Small Biz 100’s this year and every year, like Blue Patch, a directory of sustainable makers across the UK. They work hard to connect shops with ethical makers. 💚

Going sustainable can start with little actions, from all of us. Be sure to check out our recent interview with Cucumber Clothing, where they shared their sustainability journey with our client’s local businesses as part of our comprehensive training programme. Read our lessons learned or watch the playback here.

Ultimately shopping locally reduces our carbon footprint. When we shop with local makers who source locally and employ local staff, it’s a great start on a journey to sustainability and achieving net zero targets.

Here are a few of the sustainable businesses who have inspired us in 2021. Give them a shout and have a look at their ideas and goodies for your sustainable holiday shop.

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